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Why Is Coolsculpting Elite Better

1. More Fat Reduction

The new design of the ELITE applicators allows for better “tissue draw” (bringing fat up into the cold applicator’s center.) CoolSculpting ELITE removes 20-25% of unwanted fat – an improvement on the classic model, and the best fat-freeze stats on the market!

2. 18% More Coverage

It’s true: ELITE covers up to 18% more skin surface, targeting more fat cells in the same treatment time. It feels the same for clients, however. You get added CoolSculpting at no added cost.

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Antioxidants Why They Are an Important Part of Your Skincare Routine

“Rich in antioxidants!” It seems like everything says that these days. But what does that even mean? And why are antioxidants so important?

Free radicals are waste particles that are produced by cells in our bodies as they process food and react to our environment. If our bodies cannot remove these particles, oxidative stress can occur and harm the cells. Oxidative stress has been found to increase the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Not good! Environmental factors such as pollution, UV exposure, and smoke can all increase the production of free radicals.

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Tips for Stress Management

There’s a lot going on in the world these days, and most of us have found it very overwhelming. Researchers at the University of Vermont have created an instrument that measures global happiness. For more than a decade, the Hedonometer has been analyzing the word choice of about 50 million tweets a day. It uses the collected data to measure global happiness. According to the Hedonometer, May 31, 2020 was the saddest day in the history of Twitter. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Hedonometer has seen some record-breaking lows in happiness. We are not ok, and social media reflects that.

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Why You Shouldn't Ditch Your Sunscreen in the Winter

It’s that time of year again! The time when we say goodbye to ice tea, beaches and sunshine, and say hello to pumpkin spice, scarves, comfy sweaters and leggings. Well, unless you’re like us, and live in Southern California where seasons don’t really exist. Even with the warmer winter weather we experience here, there is still the temptation to stop using our protective sunscreen. It’s cooler, so the sun isn’t as intense and won’t damage our skin, right? Not quite. Fun fact: the earth is actually closer to the sun during the winter months! The sun emits two types of light that are damaging to our skin: UVA and UVB rays. Only one of these two perpetrators, UVB, is lessened in the winter.

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Keravive Hydrafacial's New Breakthrough Scalp Treatment

We all know how important it is to exfoliate the skin on your face, but what about your SCALP? Do you ever think about all the gunk that builds up in there? I try not to. Yuck. Riverside, California has an impressive water hardness of around 220 ppm. “Very hard” water starts at 180 ppm! What does that mean for us? Hard water has high levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which leave a residue. This residue builds up over time. Have you ever looked at your water faucet and seen the hard white residue around it? That’s caused by hard water! Imagine what it’s doing to your scalp! We haven’t even mentioned the dusty, dry, polluted air we all deal with on a daily basis. This buildup prohibits moisture from reaching the scalp, resulting in dry hair, breakage and, over time, hair loss. The latest and greatest defense against this is HydraFacial’s Keravive treatment!

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