Why Is Coolsculpting Elite Better

1. More Fat Reduction

The new design of the ELITE applicators allows for better “tissue draw” (bringing fat up into the cold applicator’s center.) CoolSculpting ELITE removes 20-25% of unwanted fat – an improvement on the classic model, and the best fat-freeze stats on the market!

2. 18% More Coverage

It’s true: ELITE covers up to 18% more skin surface, targeting more fat cells in the same treatment time. It feels the same for clients, however. You get added CoolSculpting at no added cost.

3. Always DualSculpting

Whereas the Legacy model had one applicator, ELITE has two. This means no more treatment rooms stuffed with CoolSculpting devices. We often use two ELITE devices to treat four body areas simultaneously. Our clients love the convenience of sculpting several fat “trouble areas” at the same time with CoolSculpting ELITE in Bellevue.

4. 10 Years of Improvements

ELITE is the culmination of 10+ years of CoolSculpting research, development, and widespread use. The device is now sleeker, more compact, and offers superior freezing technology.

5. 9 Treatment Areas

ELITE’s new “very size” applicators get the job done with better fitting CoolSculpting. Freeze your stomach to your neck fat with never-before-seen precision.

If you’re unsure, how about a consultation with our team? We’ll work out a custom treatment plan, discuss pricing and more. In very rare cases when ELITE doesn’t do the trick, we GUARANTEE all fat reduction results as well.

Give CoolSculpting a try today available at Beautiful Body and Beyond.